Many semiconductor components tend to be complex in design so it is important to select the right manufacturing process and partner to ensure the success of your product. CNC machining allows micro dimensioning and intricate part production. It also allows for flexibility in batch sizes and quantities.
Wave provides a one stop shop solution for your mechanical parts. We produce parts with the best materials and the tightest tolerances because to our high-quality CNC machines, which are built by reputable manufacturers in Germany, Japan, and the USA. Our 5-Axis CNC machines with accuracy of 0.05 mm and 0.0015 mm corner radii can handle a wide range of parts and materials — their outstanding structural designs, universal spindles, and automation systems make them perfect workmates for flexible machining. Our project management & operations team ensure quick turn around and can also handle sub-vendors to deliver a comprehensive service to you.
Accuracy, speed, and costs are essential to the success of your semiconductor projects, you need to consider how you can stand out among competitors. To do so, you will need a reliable partner just like Wave. Wave manufactures components ensuring consistency in production and design. No matter how complicated, Wave will work collaboratively with you to create parts that satisfy your requirements. Our quality management systems, which are ISO 9001 & AS9100D certified, ensure high standards of quality and consistency throughout the manufacturing process with gated controls and process documentation.